Conversations on architecture...

One Space at a Time

Here’s a beautiful space I just found online. It’s an interior by Debora Berke. Clean, simple, bright, organized. Imagine how much work I could get done in an office like that!

I’d love to have a space like this in my own house someday. Unfortunately, we don’t all have the money, time, or energy to withstand a major renovation or build a house from scratch…myself included. My husband and I had hoped to start major renovations on our home this past year but the fragile economy put those dreams on hold. So for now, we are taking a step back and making do with what we have… 900 sq ft for 4 people! At least 2 of them are small.

As an architect, it can be frustrating to create custom spaces for others and then come back to our less that perfect living situation, but it’s still our home and we make the best of it. So to keep me sane and feel as though we are continuing to move forward, I constantly look at what small changes could make our lives better and inspire our day to day. I have a few household projects that I’ll talk about as my work on them progresses.

We did manage to tackle a few rooms so far in our house. We determined what areas wouldn’t be affected by our future renovations and we’ve started with those. That’s usually the first step with a new client… let’s master plan all you want done and work at it in stages so you can start living better sooner. First we took on the bathroom. Here’s the scary before shot…

The challeges: floral tile on every surface, not enough storage, a purple tub, an ill placed toilet and a weird angled door. Many, many months later, here’s the after…

Now we all enjoy our bathroom everyday! All 4 of us. You may be thinking… where’s all the stuff? Find out in my next post!